Thursday, December 8, 2011

Tis the Season...

I went to the doctor yesterday because I have been coughing for two weeks and didn't seem to be getting better.  I also started having an earache and my throat hurt when I swallowed.  Turns out I have an ear infection, so they gave me a 10 day regimen of antibiotics.  There seems to be a lot of sickness going around.  Maybe it's the up and down temperatures we are having in VA.  One day it is 70 and the next it is 30.  I am so thankful though that in spite of a compromised immune system, I have remained healthy overall.  I have not had any fevers and my blood work continues to be within normal limits.  I am looking forward to Christmas vacation.  I only have five more days of work this year.  We will be traveling the weekend before Christmas and New Year's weekend to visit family.  We also have family coming to visit us on Christmas Day.  I will have my last treatment soon and I am excited to start a new chapter of my life next year.   I hope that each of you are well and enjoying this time of year.  Thanks for checking in. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Kelly! I'm here catching up again. I hope you are feeling better now that you've had an antibiotic for a few days. I am amazed at how you keep doing normal things with all that is on your, trips, company.... and college in January! I'm glad you feel good enough to do it all, but please don't overdo....make sure you are taking care of yourself in there too. I hope you continue to do well and have a very Merry Christmas. Keeping you in my prayers!
